Monday, August 27, 2007

Three Introductions

Allow me to introduce to you...

1) Our new set of wheels, a kicking 1978 VW bus named Glorious Gloria... which we LOVE

She came with some stickers... which we promptly removed and have now replaced with great LMB stickers (Love My Bus), a gift from the Palmers :). Driving with the George W. stickers felt like doing an interview with a giant booger in my nose.

Giant Steering Wheel - hello!!! Power steering? Nah. At least I get a workout while I drive...

2) Our new puppy, a 4 month old Hound mix named Rowdy. He successfully knows how to pee in the house, jump over the fence, and convince me that I might never want children. :) We picked him up at the Humane Society last Friday, and although he is quite rambunctious, he's very much a blast and a joy.

JD really enjoys his first dog - especially giving belly rubs and racing in the backyard.

Aside from the accidents and escapes from the yard, we are diligently training Rowdy to sit, stay, heel, and for crying out loud - use the yard, not our carpet for his toilet. I'm really not joking about the baby thing - waking up every four hours to take Rowdy out, checking on him every 1-2 hours to take him out of his crate when we are in the office, making sure he hasn't peed on our floor AGAIN, feeding, exercising, training, etc. ... well, let's just say I won't be buying any prenatal books for awhile... long, long, long while perhaps?

We enjoy our new companion quite a bit, despite the house training. Who wouldn't?

3) And finally, our new positions as Directors of Student Ministries. The church voted last night to instill JD and I as co-Directors of Student Ministries, taking over the daily tasks/programming/executing of both jr. high and high school student ministries. As of September 1, we will no longer be the apprentices!!! We are super excited about this new transition and the prospect of living in paradise a little longer than two years :) Mostly, we feel honored to be a part of what God is doing here at the church and on Oahu.


Christie said...

for real, your guys' life is like a crazy story that people would pay to read about. blessed be His name!

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like life's been busy for you two! Congrats...on EVERYTHING! Oh and getting up for and cleaning up after a baby wasn't quite as bad as doing it for a dog. There's just a different love there :) Try it, you'll like it ;)

Deadmanshonda said...

Whoooo hoooo!!! Congrats!On all three ....

TX said...

Holy cow. That bus is freakin' amazing. I covet. Forgive me. Love you guys.