Heather Brown is my new favorite artist. She might also be my first favorite artist, modern at least. She hails from the North Shore and creates fabulous paintings of local surf spots. JD and I would love to decorate our house with her work one day. For now we go to the galleries in Haleiwa and gawk until the shop owner comes over and tries to sell us an original for over a thousand dollars. We're actually just fine with small copies, thank you. He prods further, mentioning that many young people purchase her paintings, that she is very affordable. Nodding and smiling we slowly back our way out the door and walk to Deep Ecology Surf Art Gallery (my favorite store in Haleiwa) to purchase a fifteen dollar 5 x 7 print of hers in their deep blue painted art gallery.

my new favorite artists is Todd Oldham, he's actually a very famous interior designer, but he's also an amazing artist!
julie - did you know that i become more and more a fan of yours as i grow up? i mean i loved you lots when we used to play house and dance in your living room and pretend to be lost in the wilderness in your backyard, but i love you even more today when you live 3000 miles away and share stories of gardening, drawing, cooking, and artists. you are one of the coolest people i know.
...or that neverland was located behind a bush in your backyard? or when we searched the neighborhood for the bunny you were given for easter when it escaped...and died? traps for your dog lucy. chasing the sheep around your backyard attempting to get it back in it's pen? or the myriad of crazy parties held in honor of my birth? i'm glad you like me, cuz...man i was a weird kid, and i would like to think i'm cooler now, but i live life knowing that i'll look back and think "oh...that was an embarrassing period of my life."
i love you more and more all the time as well. i especially love that you bring an amazing amount of laughter into my life when i'm around you.
Geeez...this is such a sweet, nostalgic exchange between you two I feel like hugging the screen...siiighhh....I need to get a life. ;-)But what an adorable image you just portrayed for all of us who stalk your blogs you two.
julie - I used Never Neverland as an illustration in a lesson a couple weeks ago. I think our kids have officially put me in the loony bin category :)
leisel - and your stories about your siblings are so incredibly beautiful, funny, heroic (does that make sense?), and inspiring. thanks :)
Hey, I am so stoked to see your comment about my art! That's so cool!
I am happy to hear that you were able to buy some of my prints at Deep ecology. Thank you so much!
Live aloha!
Much love,
Heather Brown
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