Sitting in the cottage next to the big window with the Book of Acts resting in my lap. What to say Lord? This historical narrative appeals to my history degree, but how to make it come alive in the world of junior high students... Sip of coffee, deep breath, anxious to get going.
Phone rings. Unrecognizable number - must be Cait in Switzerland. It is. I take off in the car for some peace and quiet ... and some Starbucks. We talk and talk... talk about what I'm learning here on the Island, and what she's learning in the Swiss Alps. Conversation gets animated as we share mutual passions and world views. Different perspectives offer necessary iron. Sharpened as we spur the other to see God's image. Redemptive Theology is our conclusion. Gives me renewed insight, a fresh vision. Order an iced grande nonfat Chai Latte. Ideas spinning as I reread Acts 1 & 2... Look through helpful texts, exegesis, commentaries, etc. This past week's learning still fresh in my mind, colors the way I see ministry. History lesson in the breakthrough of a movement of redemption that manifests itself in the body of Christ, the Church. Typing away. Drain the Chai, nearing 4:00, our meeting time. Pack up, step outdoors and the freshness of this world that Jesus redeemed greets me as I smile at the pink-haired teen with a lip ring and a frappuccino.
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1 comment:
Annie, you are amazing, and God is transforming you into something even more incredible. Love you.
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