Thursday, June 28, 2007

A bit homesick

Stepping on the airplane for the second time to fly back to the Island was especially hard for me on Tuesday. Knowing that it will be a long time before we return to the Mainland (save Teddy's wedding weekend) sets a deep reality in my soul. And the disease called homesickness once again crawls through my skin and enters my bloodstream. Only this time there isn't a countdown. We've grown to love this island, its people, its weather, its culture. We sense a directional calling from God to remain until He moves us. It's my dream job, dream life, really... but 2500 miles away is no quick trip to friends and family.
I'm told it's normal.
It can take a year or two, they say.
When is being normal ever a pleasure?
But so I go, moving toward the normalcy of making our home on the island a daily reality that gives me both great joy and deep sadness.
In an effort to escape from sounding completely emo, here are some highlights from the past few days that make me glad about life...
1) an entire day devoted to watching season 1 of scrubs (a waste, you might say - but I beg to differ... a much needed break is more like it)
2) ocean swimming
3) swimming in Kailua Rec Center with Jill
4) the piano guy at Muddy Water's coffee shop
5) the high school girls I went to Muddy Waters with
6) Jessica Palmer
7) a break in the routine of office life to go to the beach
8) the brownies that are 10 days old in our refrigerator
9) talking to pastor brad about being homesick
10) jd.
11) tv and dessert every thursday night with the Palmers
12) calls home.
13) the steepest green mountains i have ever seen...
14) iced coffee
15) our new bamboo sheets


Deadmanshonda said...

okkkaaaaaay...I feel for you on the homesickness and I hate it for you--been there-- but I stopped DEAD when I read *our new bamboo sheets*. WHAT?! Are they MADE out of bamboo or just decorated with it?Cause...we got some bamboo in the back and Im thinkin Id like to make sheets of em if I

You are too cute Annie. I hope you feel better soon. About home, I mean.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

bamboo are just soo sexy
love you

Anonymous said...

Leisel - hahaha i love you. The bamboo sheets are actually made out of bamboo. I don't know how... Perhaps the fiber of the bamboo? Maybe?

Mama G - Hooray! This makes me quite happy :)

Cait - I know. And environment friendly. Are you so proud of us? ;) Love you mucho

Jules Oldroyd said...

...watching a whole season of scrubs is really, really, really not a waste. it's just so could you not?
oh, homesickness...colorado has only started to feel like home in this past year...sans blizzard time. that was horrible.
...if only WE had had entire SEASONS of scrubs to watch during that blasted event [that might have made the blizzard worth it].

Annie said...

Jules - agreed. it's absolutely brilliant. jd and i used a wedding gift card to target to buy it. umm yes please. that and friends. we don't have cable, so we watch sitcoms on dvd and love it.

Christie said...

I am feeling homesick too, and I'm not even married yet. I love you, and I know that God has handcrafted his purpose for you over there in Paradise. Don't ever doubt that. I love you!